Our unique product features, your win

Scale faster and improve customer satisfaction

How companies succeed using our product

Providers from over 180 countries worldwide
Seconds spent working with our clients
Secured in funding because of our unique features
Happy clients worldwide and still counting

Minimize the costs and support your clients better

Efficient workflows and custom white label solution

Simple installation without development skills

Third party integrations with different SaaS tools

Win more clients in the long term business

Efficient workflows and custom white label solution

Simple installation without development skills

Third party integrations with different SaaS tools

Grow your customer base easier than before

Efficient workflows and custom white label solution

Simple installation without development skills

Third party integrations with different SaaS tools

Win more clients in the long term business

Efficient workflows and custom white label solution

Simple installation without development skills

Third party integrations with different SaaS tools

Start Accepting Mobile Wallet payments Instantly With a Simple Tap.

Create account

Create your account and never lose out on a Sale, Tip, or Donation.

Activate your Profile

Activate ApplePay and add other payment apps from within your dashboard.

Collect Payments

Collect payments from anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason.

We Help Drive Successful Businesses

of customers recommended Slip Cash as their preferred mobile wallet payment solution..
"By integrating SlipCash we were able to increase parish donations by 38%."
Father Wilson, Christ King Church

Ready to get started?